Mário Benvenutti Syndrome (2025)

1. More articles from Articles | International Journal of Spine Surgery

  • Mario Benvenutti-Regato, Rafael De la Garza-Ramos and Enrique Caro-Osorio ... Iatrogenic Baastrup's Syndrome: A Potential Complication Following ...

  • Search for this keyword

2. Internal jugular phlebectasia: A systematic review - PMC

  • Jun 19, 2019 · IJP is considered by most authors as a benign abnormality that predominantly affects the right jugular vein. It is most commonly diagnosed in children.

  • Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP), the abnormal dilatation of internal jugular vein, is generally considered a benign anomaly. However, because IJP is uncommon, little is known about its natural history, and currently, no consensus on the best ...

3. Adult phlebectasia of the internal jugular vein: A rare cause of ...

  • Vernet syndrome induced by persistent cough in idiopathic internal jugular vein phlebectasia · Medicine. Neurological Sciences · 2023.

  • Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Adult phlebectasia of the internal jugular vein: A rare cause of Horner's syndrome." by N. Guemes-Villahoz et al.

4. Thoracic epidural spinal angiolipoma with coexisting lumbar spinal stenosis

  • Jan 1, 2015 · The purpose of this article is to report on a case of epidural SAL with co-existing lumbar spinal stenosis and to conduct a literature review on the topic.

  • Background Spinal angiolipomas (SALs) are uncommon benign lesions that may present insidiously with back pain or acutely with weakness due to tumor bleeding/thrombosis. Given their rarity, these lesions are often overlooked in the differential diagnosis of epidural masses. The purpose of this article is to report the case of an epidural SAL and to conduct a literature review on the topic. Methods A case report and review of the literature using the PubMed/Medline databases. All case reports and case series were reviewed up to June 2015. Results A 65-year old female presented with neurogenic claudication and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed lumbar spinal stenosis. Following decompressive surgery, she experienced symptom resolution, but three months postoperatively she presented to the emergency department with acute paraparesis. A thoracic MRI revealed a lesion located between T8 and T10 causing severe spinal cord compression. Following emergent laminectomy and en bloc resection, the patient regained function and the lesion was diagnosed as SAL. Our literature review revealed 178 reported cases, with a female and thoracic predominance. The majority of patients underwent surgical treatment, achieving a gross total resection in most cases. Similarly, complete symptom resolution was the most common outcome. Conclusion Spinal angiolipomas are uncommon spinal tumors. However, they may be treated as any other space-occupying lesion, and surgical resection allows for comp...

5. Internal jugular phlebectasia: A systematic review

  • Nov 5, 2019 · IJP is considered by most authors as a benign abnormality that predominantly affects the right jugular vein. It is most commonly diagnosed in children.

  • Category:

6. Jugular phlebectasia in adult—an overlooked cause of cervical pain

  • The diagnosis of left internal jugular phlebectasia without complications (thrombosis or Horner's syndrome) ... FerrignoMario Benvenutti-RegatoE. Caro-OsorioH. R. ...

  • The diagnosis of left internal jugular phlebectasia without complications (thrombosis or Horner’s syndrome) was made and conservative treatment with analgesics for pain and control MRI for 6 months if there is no worsening of symptoms was recommended. We present a case of a 50-year-old woman with history of neck pain during the 12-month period. It was unilateral pain, with heaviness and unusual discomfort deep in the affected left side of the neck. General and neurological examination was normal. Initially, by using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)of the cervical spine, we found no identifiable mass. Repeated MRI scan demonstrated massive dilation of the left internal jugular vein, with a well-defined mass isointense to hypointense on T1 weighted and hyperintense on T2 weighted images. Considering the abovementioned clinical examination and performed radiological MRI evaluation results, the diagnosis of left internal jugular phlebectasia without complications (thrombosis or Horner’s syndrome) was made. We recommended conservative treatment with analgesics for pain and control MRI for 6 months if there is no worsening of symptoms.

7. Minimally Invasive versus Open Surgery for Spinal Metastasis

  • Sep 1, 2021 · Martinez1,2, Mario Benvenutti-Regato1,2, Jose Antonio Figueroa-Sanchez1,2 ... disease. Data were analyzed using Review Manager ver. 5.3 ...

  • 1. Greenlee RT, Murray T, Bolden S, Wingo PA. Cancer statistics, 2000. CA Cancer J Clin 2000;50:7–33. [Article] [PubMed]

8. Morton Kern | UCI School of Medicine

  • Di Mario C, Moses JW ... Human PRRX1 and PRRX2 genes: cloning, expression, genomic localization, and exclusion as disease genes for Nager syndrome.

  • 1001 Health Sciences Road, Irvine, CA 92697

9. Benvenuti ad Adobe GoLive 6

  • Mario Gonzalez-Gronow, PhD, Department of Pathology, Box 3712, Duke ... Lipoteichoic acid (LTA), induces some of the clinical symptoms of Behçet's disease (BD) in ...

  • Behçet’s disease patients present high levels of deglycosylated anti-lipoteichoic acid IgG and high IL-8 production after lipoteichoic acid stimulation

10. Testosterone treatment improves metabolic syndrome-induced ...

  • Farid Saad7, Roberto Vettor6, Gabriella B Vannelli2 and Mario Maggi1. 1Sexual ... metabolic syndrome (MetS). We studied the effects of HFD and in vivo ...

11. 8th Joint ISMINS Congress - Barrow Neurological Institute

  • Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders · Pituitary & Neuro-Endocrine Disease ... Symposium 1: (Session Leaders: Vladimír Beneš, MD & Lucia Benvenuti, MD).

  • This year for the first time ever, the Barrow Neuroscience Symposium will incorporate the 8th Joint Congress of the International Society on Minimally

12. Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare

  • Givens, Denise Harper Angel, Jimmy Higdon, and Alice Forgy Kerr; Representatives Julie Raque Adams, Robert Benvenuti III, Bob M. ... Mario Lopez, Account ...

  • Call to Order and Roll Call

13. Periodikos :: AUTOPSY - Search results

  • Mario Luiz Marques Piubelli ... Autops Case Rep, vol.7 Eisenmenger syndrome Fernando Peixoto Ferraz de Campos, Luiz Alberto Benvenuti Image in Focus.

  • With the Article Type: With the Article Area: At Edition: At Year:

14. This week on OHIS - International Olive Council

  • Dec 9, 2024 · The benefits of olive oil within the Mediterranean diet extend far beyond cardiovascular health. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which affects ...

  • This week on the Olive Health Information System website The newsletter of the University of Navarra and the IOC dedicated to health The first article we want to highlight this week delves into the Mediterranean diet, with olive oil at its heart. Far from being just a collection of healthy ingredients, the Mediterranean diet represents a living […]

15. Vol. 94 No. 3 (2024) - Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease

  • CHARGE syndrome and congenital heart diseases: systematic review of literature. Maria Vincenza Polito, Mario Ferraioli, Alessandra Nocilla, Guido Coppola ...

  • Alice Pozza, Martina Avesani, Irene Cattapan, Elena Reffo, Annachiara Cavaliere, Jolanda Sabatino, Sofia Piana, Anna Molinaroli, Domenico Sirico, Biagio Castaldi, Alessia Cerutti, Roberta Biffanti, Giovanni di Salvo

16. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Volume 73 • 2012 - Psychiatrist.com

  • ... Disorders: A 6-Year Follow-Up Study From Childhood to Adolescence and Young ... Benvenuti, Mario Miniati, Simona Calugi, Luca Maggi, Stefano Pini ...

  • The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry | 2012, Volume 73, Issue 1

Mário Benvenutti Syndrome (2025)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.